Danube-Networkers Ulm are the local working group, they were baking at November 5th 2019 for the members of the German-Bulgarian association MOST e.V. who organized with the Danube-Networkers a Bulgarian evening. Read more about it. Who was the baking group? The baking group were the Danube-Networkers and friends from Ulm, as well as participants taking […]

Snezhanka Atanasova works for “Prosveta – 1915” Community Center city of Rousse Dolapite in Bulgaria Who was the baking group? A Group of Chitalishte members – Book reader group, amateurs, administrators and retirees – 7 people; Women and a child – young, old and working women! Where did the baking action take place? Location – […]

Hristina Marinova works for the “Pensioners’ Union – Ruse Region”, in Ruse – Dolapite quarter, Bulgaria Who was the baking group? 6 women from the Pensioners’ Club “Harmonia”, Ruse, Bulgaria, took part in the baking group Where did the baking action take place? 7000 Ruse – 27 “Han Asparuh” Street How many sparrows were baked? […]

Biljana Pejović is from Bačka Palanka, Serbia. Who was the baking group? 4 female friends Where did the baking action take place? in the kitchen of my house How many sparrows were baked? 24 sparrow For whom did you bake? For neighbours and friends Why did you select this recipient group? What are the reasons? To […]

Milena from the Soroptimist International (SI) Club Ruse, wrote: Last Friday, 22.11., we had a wonderful Danube sparrows action! We, the members of Soroptimist International (SI) Club Ruse, baked a batch of Danube sparrows. On 22 November, 2019 they found a wonderful nest! At a meeting dedicated to bread as a physical and spiritual meaning of […]

Mrs. Penka Petkova is the president of the Commission of Social Activities, Education and Healthcare of the Local Parliament, and president of the Clkub of Pensioners No 2 in Slivo Pole, Bulgaria Mrs. Pavlinka Marinova is the president of the Club of Pensioners No 2 in Borisovo, Bulgaria Who was the baking group? There were […]

Simona Perian is a teacher in the ECONOMIC COLLEGE „FRANCESCO SAVERIO NITTI“ in Timisoara Who was the baking group? We are an intergenerational group, made only of women, 4 teachers and 11 students from tenth and eleventh grade. Where did the baking action take place? ECONOMIC COLLEGE „FRANCESCO SAVERIO NITTI“ – Gastronomy laborator How many sparrows […]

Nicoleta Gherghina is a teacher in the National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara, Romania Who was the baking group? The pupils of 4TH grade A and their teacher Nicoleta Gherghina Where did the baking action take place? The canteen of National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara How many sparrows were baked? 12 Can you tell us […]

Mirela Carp is a teacher in the National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara, Romania Who was the baking group? The preparatory class (23 pupils of 6 years old) and their teacher-Mirela Carp Where did the baking action take place? Pastry laboratory Naomi Timisoara How many sparrows were baked? 24 Can you tell us about the baking […]

Ioana Cioroi is am member of the „DUNAREA DE JOS‘‘ UNIVERSITY GALATI, Department of Long Life Learning and Technological Transfer, University of The Third Age. Who was the baking group? The HAPPY CLEVER HANDS – a group of female retirees, students at The University of the Third Age. Where did the baking action take place? […]

Oleg Miron is the director of the Vocational School Nr. 1 in Cahul city, Republic of Moldova Who was the baking group? Future cooks of Vocational School nr.1, an under-aged mixed pupils of the school. Where did the baking action take place? Labs of Vocational School nr.1 How many sparrows were baked? 102 Can you […]

Cristina Raileanu is a teacher from Tigheci Gymnazium in Tigheci Village, Leova, Republic of Moldova Who was the baking group? Teachers of Tigheci school Where did the baking action take place? The canteen of the school How many sparrows were baked? 30 Can you tell us about the baking action? On the 1st November, the teachers […]

Alina Școala is a primary teacher from the school Gimnazială Nr. 30 Timișoara, Romania Who was the baking group? Alina Rumega, her two sons and her pensioner mother Where did the baking action take place? My own kitchen in Timisoara How many sparrows were baked? 40 pieces + 10 for our own families Can […]

The concept of the Danube-Networkers Ulm – baking typical dishes together, getting into conversation and learning more about the country and people of the hosts country – has proved again its worth. Together with members of the German-Bulgarian cultural association MOST e.V. they organized a Bulgarian evening November 19th 2019 in the family education centre […]

The Danube-Networkers in Ulm invite you to participate in a new baking initiative with the motto “Bread Sharing is Caring”. Bake and share yeast-dough Danube Sparrows as a symbol of friendship and interest in others. It is an invitation to a joint action to advocate for peaceful and solidarity-based European community. Share the Sparrows with […]

What is behind the Easter traditions? Why is Easter celebrated in other countries to another date? And what are the Easter traditions in other countries? We have collected some common Easter facts and Easter traditions from countries like Slovenia, Poland and Romania. Feel free to find out more informations about all these in our Easter folder. […]

A nice festival was celebrated on 9th of May 2019 in Slivo Pole, district Ruse, Bulgaria. The occasion was the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Union of Pensioners 2004 in the municipality of Slivo Pole, which includes 12 villages with more than 20 pensioner clubs. The volunteer chairpersons of the clubs were honored, […]

During a visit at the pensioners’ club “Dobrudzhanska sresta” in Ruse, the participants of the international workshop “Education and Voluntary Work in the Third Age” experienced the hospitality of the seniors and their joy in singing and dancing. After a Danube boat trip and a Ruse city tour the participants visited the local pensioners’ club […]

Still, many (especially older) people from Western and Southeastern Europe can´t communicate, because they do not speak a common language. At the European festival of the Danube-Networkers on 7.4. in Ulm, the conversation app, developed within the frame of the project ODDA (odda.eu), was successfully tested. It makes it possible for the users to talk […]

WE ARE EUROPE! For a social Europe! The educational network “Danube-Networkers Ulm” (DANET e.V.) invited on Sunday, 07.04.2019, from 14:30 to 19:00 to an European festival in the “Haus der Begegnung Ulm”. After a welcome speech by the 1st Mayor of Ulm, Martin Bendel, Alt-OB Ivo Gönner gave a lecture about the topic “Our common […]

The Danube-Networkers were baking on the occasion of the 24th “Vesperkirche” in the Paulus church Ulm. On Monday the 4th of February twelve volunteer Danube-Networkers baked with joy and enthusiasm 300 birds from an amount of 25 kg yeast dough. They named them Ulms Danube-sparrows and provided them with the European flag and the message […]

The pupils from the Economic College “Francesco Saverio Nitti” in Timisoara, Romania, together with their teacher, Simona Perian, wish all participants in the project, joy in the heart and smiles on the lips and Many and beautiful years! Merry Christmas!= Crăciun fericit! Happy New Year!=La mulți ani! […]

On December 20, at the Banat National College in Timisoara, the pupils of the 10th grade MI1, along with teacher Firu Carmen, wished the participants of the project “Tastes of the Danube. Bread Connects “Happy Holidays !. In the beginning of the winter holidays, bread is the elem ent that unites us. We all share […]

We are delighted to have just won first place in the application for the EESC Civil Society Prize of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels! The Danube-Neworkers with their project „Bread Connects“ were rated best of the 5 nominated civil society projects out of 150 applications from 27 EU-countries. We would like to […]

The Union of Pensioners’2004 – Ruse Region (UP) invited partners from Galati and Bucharest (Romania) and Ulm (Germany) to an international meeting in the frame of the 22nd festival of amateur art Talent has no age which took place on the 20th and the 21st of October 2018 in Ruse and included the best artistic […]

International meeting in Ruse and Brashlen, Bulgaria By an international workshop in the guest house of community of Slivo Pole in Brashlen the delegation from Danube-Networkers Galaz and Bucharest, Rumania, Ruse, Bulgaria, and Ulm, Germany, had the opportunity to speak about their experiences made in Bulgaria, Romania and Germany in the context of the projects […]

On Thursday, 20th May 2018, the Danube-Networkers hosted a food stand at the spring academy of the University of Ulm. They offered self made bread with different spreads, waffles, cake and coffee. Additionally, they sold chrocheted seat pads. All earnings of this action will be used to invite the partners from the Danube countries to […]

Tastes of Danube – Bread Connects Welcome to our new website! Here you can find information about our international project in the frame of the educational Network Danube-Networkers. […]