Cristina Raileanu is a teacher from Tigheci Gymnazium in Tigheci Village, Leova, Republic of Moldova
Who was the baking group?
Teachers of Tigheci school
Where did the baking action take place?
The canteen of the school
How many sparrows were baked?
Can you tell us about the baking action?
On the 1st November, the teachers of Tigheci Gymnasium decided to make something different at school and to bake Danube-sparrows. The baking action took place in the school canteen with the big support of school cooker. The teachers organized themselves and cooked 30 Danube – sparrow and gave them to the folklore group of the village “Codreanca”.
For whom did you bake?
We bake from folklore group “Codreanca” from Tigheci village, a wonderful group that promotes the national traditions and culture.
Why did you select this recipient group? What are the reasons?
“Codreanca” is one of the few folklore groups of the South region of the country. It activates at the cultural house of the village. We decided to give them the Danube-sparrows as a sign of respect and consideration for all the wonderful work they do and for the beautiful songs they sing at each holiday of the village and not only.
What emotions did baking and sharing trigger in you and the recipients?
After a week of seminars, meetings and hard work with the lesson plans, the teacher of Tigheci Gymnasium decided to have a rest and bake Danube – sparrows, that in our country we call “pigeons” – the symbol of peac e. All the teachers were excited about the idea of doing something different, that’s way on Friday morning they all were prepared and ready to bake and to share ideas about baking. All the teachers were happy to bake together, because it allows to know each other from the other part, to know each other not as teachers, but as housewifes. During the baking process, the teachers spoke, smiled and shared ideas and impressions. After that, some of them went to the cultural house to offer the Danube – sparrows to the women from the folklore group “Codreanca”, that were surprised and impressed by this action. On the way to the cultural house, the warm Danube-sparrow were given to the other workers of the school: the school secretary, the school accountant, school servants.