Nicoleta Gherghina from Romania, Timisoara is telling about their Danube Sparrow action

Nicoleta Gherghina is a teacher in the National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara, Romania

Who was the baking group?

The pupils of 4TH grade A and their teacher Nicoleta Gherghina

Where did the baking action take place?

The canteen of National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara

How many sparrows were baked?


Can you tell us about the baking action?

The pupils of 4TH grade A and their teacher Nicoleta Gherghina from National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara, baked the Danube sparrows according to the received recipe and offered them to their future teachers, from their hearts and gave them a sign of friendship.

For whom did you bake? 

For the teachers which the pupils will have in the next years.

Why did you select this recipient group? What are the reasons?

The recipient group has been selected considering the importance of creating a bond in between the pupils and their future teachers.

What emotions did baking and sharing trigger in you and the recipients?

Baking and sharing the Danube sparrows made all the participants to be happy and responsible.