Oleg Miron is the director of the Vocational School Nr. 1 in Cahul city, Republic of Moldova
Who was the baking group?
Future cooks of Vocational School nr.1, an under-aged mixed pupils of the school.
Where did the baking action take place?
Labs of Vocational School nr.1
How many sparrows were baked?
Can you tell us about the baking action?
During the practical lessons, the second-year pupils of the Vocational School nr.1 were open to take part in this extracurricular action. The school provided all the necessary products for baking the sparrows. The action itself took place in a friendly way and each pupil got the chance to
contribute to this amazing project.
For whom did you bake?
Pupils and teachers from Vocational School nr.2
Why did you select this recipient group? What are the reasons?
Because we felt that we need to feel more connected inside our own towns and societies. Also, we wanted to create new friendships and become closer to the people we interact with through our interests.
What emotions did baking and sharing trigger in you and the recipients?
The pupils have experienced the proudness of participating in a project which promotes the Peace between nations during the baking. The whole process of baking was for free, so everyone got to be a volunteer in the action, they loved it and definitely were happy to help. In the process of
sharing the sparrows, the pupils felt the emotions of joy, of happiness and satisfaction, because they did the right thing by gifting the symbol of peace to the recipients. The recipients, in this context were very glad to see the pupils in an active way, doing something extra for the sake of promoting human interaction and friendship.