On December 20, at the Banat National College in Timisoara, the pupils of the 10th grade MI1, along with teacher Firu Carmen, wished the participants of the project “Tastes of the Danube. Bread Connects “Happy Holidays !. In the beginning of the winter holidays, bread is the elem ent that unites us. We all share […]
We are delighted to have just won first place in the application for the EESC Civil Society Prize of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels! The Danube-Neworkers with their project „Bread Connects“ were rated best of the 5 nominated civil society projects out of 150 applications from 27 EU-countries. We would like to […]
LSFTB Cultural meeting in Timisoara During the cultural meeting in 08.12.2018, the members of the Association “The Writers` League” Timisoara Banat Branch (LSFTB) wished to all Danube Networkers project participants. Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten! Crăciun fericit! Sretan Božić! Срећан Божић! Весела Коледа! Boldog Karácsonyt!. They sang the traditional Christmas carol “Oh, What Wonderful News!” […]
Each year, the EAEA celebrates innovation and excellence in adult education. The EAEA Grundtvig Award highlights projects results that produce new ideas, new partnerships, new methodologies and a new understanding of how we can work in adult learning. The project “Bread connects” was awarded for the EAEA Grundtvig Award, as an excellent adult education […]
The Union of Pensioners’2004 – Ruse Region (UP) invited partners from Galati and Bucharest (Romania) and Ulm (Germany) to an international meeting in the frame of the 22nd festival of amateur art Talent has no age which took place on the 20th and the 21st of October 2018 in Ruse and included the best artistic […]
The subject of civil society cooperation in the Danube countries attracted much attention of the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. From the 31.10. – 2.11.2018, Mrs. Gisela Erler, the State Counsellor for Civil Society and Civic Participation together, visited with a 12-person delegation selected civil society projects in North East Bulgaria. Amongst the delegates were two […]
International meeting in Ruse and Brashlen, Bulgaria By an international workshop in the guest house of community of Slivo Pole in Brashlen the delegation from Danube-Networkers Galaz and Bucharest, Rumania, Ruse, Bulgaria, and Ulm, Germany, had the opportunity to speak about their experiences made in Bulgaria, Romania and Germany in the context of the projects […]
Article about “Bread connects” in the magazine of BAGSO as good practice example. BAGSO is the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations. As an umbrella organization it currently includes over 110 nationally active member associations and represents more than 13 million older persons in Germany (www.bagso.de) The article as pdf: Brotbacken verbindet_BAGSO Publikation […]
In the village of Beuren there are two bakehouses: The Upper and the Lower Bakehouse. The Lower Bakehouse (Unteres Backhaus) was built in the mid of the 19th century and used until 2010. Due to technical problems it can no longer be used. However, in order to keep the village’s baking tradition alive, the building […]
Under the guidance of Christa Thoma-Schmid, the middle course of the college for healing care in Augsburg baked various breads in the home economics class in order to bake them with their clients in the respective facilities afterwards. The aim was to produce tasty breads by manual work with different flours, as it is the case all over the world […]