- In 1773, the bakehouse was built for the priest, next to the old church.
- In 1840, it was expanded to be used as the communal bakehouse.
- In 1937, the village of Heumaden became part of Stuttgart The baking oven was removed, and the building was used as a lunch area for the Civil Engineering Office.
- In July 1997, the Heumaden Bakehouse Club was founded with the objective to reintroduce the building’s original purpose.
- The Club rented the bakehouse from the Stuttgart Civil Engineering Office.
- Meanwhile, the Club has 90 members.
- They invested in a wood-burning baking oven, the chimney, two kitchen units and two dough kneading machines.
- Now the oven is 20 years old and will have to be replaced soon.
- The necessary money could be collected by baking projects and events and by selling bakery products.
- There are three major public events: the Maypole Fest, the Open House Day, and the Advent Bazar in the Augustinum retirement mansion.
- The bakehouse produces bread, salty or sweet brioches and, during the Advent Bazar, Christmas cookies and luscious apple bread.
- The Heumaden Bakehouse Club has its own internet page: https://www.backhaus-heumaden.de/start.php
- There is always a need for fire-wood (in German)
Translation: Eberhard Eisler