- The bakehouse in the small village Schwalldorf is dated early 1900
- It has two ovens
- These are so-called steam-ovens from Werner & Pfleiderer
- The ovens are heated by wood sticks aside from the baking area. Heating and baking is done in totally separated areas. Additionally there exist the possibility to enter steam in the baking area.
- Wood is provided by the local community
- Every second Saturday a baking team is active
- Hourly from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. people can bring their bread – up to 20 loaves fill the baking area
- 30 people bring their loaves to be baked
- There is also a holiday programme where bread, pizzas and party rolls are produced
- In 2019 there was the so called “Zwiebelbeetenfest” by local organisations
- 600 onion and apple pies were baked and sold
Photos: Rosamaria and Norbert Rosenfelder