- In 1838, the public washhouse as well as the niter works in Zainingen were torn down.
- The empty place was used to build the municipal bakehouse.
- In 1875, the bakehouse was enlarged, and a jail was added.
- The bakehouse has two ovens – a small one and a bigger one.
- Both ovens are heated by means of bundles of brushwood.
- The bakehouse is used about five times a week.
- People bake “Genetztes” (loaf surface wetted before baking), salt sticks, onion tarts, butter cakes, and other sheet cakes.
- For younger students, special baking programs and events are organized.
- Other festive events, for which baking takes place, are organized by the Schwäbischer Albverein (Swabian Alb Mountains Club) or take place on the occasion of various get-togethers at the bakehouse, at the village pond, or with the local firefighters.
- A local specialty are “Salzweckla mit Leberkäs” (salt sticks with a Bavarian sausage. Despite its name – “liver cheese” in German – this Bavarian specialty contains neither liver nor cheese. It’s a pork, beef, and veal meatloaf with the color and consistency of bologna.)
Translation: Eberhard Eisler