Photo: Gemeindeverwaltung Pliezhausen
- The baking house in Pliezhausen-Dörnach was built as a municipal baking and residential house in 1799.
- In 1979, it was renatured as a baking house.
- It has a wood-fired oven.
- The oven is heated up with bundles of brushwood.
- Approx. 10 people use the baking house.
- Baking takes place twice a month and for special occasions.
- Every other year, the voluntary fire brigade organises a baking house fair. Onion tartes and farmer’s bread from the old baking house play a vital role.
- There is a video about the baking house fair on YouTube:
- During the school breaks, there are baking activities with children
- Mostly bread, brioches, onion and cabbage tartes are baked.
- Pliezhausen has 3 functioning baking houses in the districts Rübgarten, Dörnach and Gniebel.