- The bakehouse in Schlattstall has one oven.
- The oven is heated with “Krähle” (bundles of brushwood and small branches).
- Five or six families use the bakehouse.
- In a year without village fest the oven is heated for about 30 baking events.
- Everyone who wants to bake has to coordinate that with the Backhaus manager.
- Everyone has to bring their own firewood and must leave the bakehouse broom-swept.
- The oven is big enough for 18 to 20 loaves of bread.
- Mostly, “Genetzte“ (wetted loaves) are baked, which are placed into the oven by means of a “Schapf”, a kind of metal ladle with a long handle.
- Every second year in summer the “Fleckafescht“ (hamlet fest) takes place – organized by citizens and the local fruit-growing and horticulture association. For this event a lot of baking takes place. Bread, “Laugenweckla“ (lye rolls), onion tarts and “Dätscher“ (Swabian hash browns) are offered and fly off the shelves. In the winter before this event, a lot of “Krähle” (bundles of firewood) are prepared by the community. The last “Fleckafescht“ took place in July 2018.
Translation: Eberhard Eisler