- The baking house was built appr. in 1820
- It belongs to the local community
Photos: Gartenfreunde Hildrizhausen
- It hast wo ovens
- They are heated with residual wood from a sawmill
- 2013 the bakehouse was renovated
- Smoke is cleaned by gas
- One oven is for 35 loaves of bread, the other for 20
Photos: Gartenfreunde Hildrizhausen
- 15 people use the baking house once a month
- Mostly so called farmers bread and is baken, sometimes also whole grain bread
Photos: Roland Fuhr
- End of July there ist the so called „Hockete“ organized by the Gartenfreunde club of Hildrizhauen
- They offer besides bread also onion and herb cakes (last time 180 loaves of bread and 300 cakes)
Photos: Gartenfreunde Hildrizhausen