- The bakehouse “Vorderer Berg” in Grafenberg has existed since 1927.
- In 1846, the bakehouse “Hinterer Berg” was built. First, it was used as a wash-house until an oven was installed. However, it was dismantled in 1964.
- The new oven, installed in the current bakehouse in 1982, was completely renovated in 2017.
- The bakehouse oven is heated by wood, first by “Krähle” (bundles of brushwood), then by logs.
- The brushwood for the “Krähle” is collected on the occasion of volunteer action days in autumn and spring.
- The bakehouse is operated by the work group Arbeitskreis Kelter-Grafenberg; see http://www.kelter-grafenberg.de/backhaus.html (in German).
- There are three or four baking days per week.
- 32 loaves fit into the oven.
- For about 30 years, the most important event has been the „Kelter Fest” (cider & apple fest).
- Currently, about six to ten bread baking courses are offered, and also one especially for spelt bread.
- A baking course for children takes place regularly.
- Usually, people bake floured bread, Tarte Flambee (a kind of “French pizza” from Alsace made from a very thin layer of pastry topped with sour cream, chopped onions and bacon) or “Dünnete” (Swabian pizza), braided yeast buns and, with reduced temperatures, tray cakes.
- In 2017, the book “Fünf viertel Stund” (Five quarters of an hour) including a description of the bakehouse, of baking techniques and recipes was published (in German) by the Arbeitskreis Kelter-Grafenberg. It can be ordered from their internet page.
Translation: Eberhard Eisler