- The bakehouse in Linsenhofen has existed since XXXX.
- In earlier times, there was another one which was torn down in XXXX.
- The current bakehouse has two wood-burning ovens.
- They are heated with “Krähle” (bundles of brushwood and small branches).
- Normally, there are about one or two baking days a month.
- Various events take place, hosted and organized by the Volkshochschule (adult education institute), the local sections of the German Red Cross and the
Countrywomen’s Association and the fruit growing and horticultural club. - Big festive events are the Linsenhofen Enjoyment Day and the Cobblestone Sit-In.
- Baking products are floured bread as well as various savory cakes such as salt or onion tarts or variations of cream tart.
Translation: Eberhard Eisler