- The baking house was built in 2008/2009 by the Historical Society Denkingen using old material. It was inaugurated on 17/05/2009.
- The baking oven is heated up with wood – first bundles, then logs.
- The baking house is run by the baking team from the Historical Society Denkingen
- Baking takes place every other Saturday. The dough is brought to the baking team which then puts it into the oven. Application can be done until Friday night before the baking day.
- Baking dates are published in the local newspaper and Josef Schmidt, head of the baking team, organises the schedule.
- 3 to 5 families use the baking house.
- In Denkingen, there used to be several public and private baking houses. There is proof that there has been a communal baking house in 1843. In the district’s register from 1876, 9 public washing houses are mentioned, which were all amplified with a baking oven. In 1933, 7 public baking houses were mentioned.
- In early May, usually on the second Sunday in May, the bread festival takes place during which both self-baked bread and savoury tarts (“Dünnete”) are sold. Also, lunch and cakes are served.
- During the bread festival, there is a baking activity for children who can make their own pizza dünnete and bake them in the wood-fired oven.
- Mainly bread is baked, but also buns and savoury tarts
Articles from newspapers can be found on: https://www.schwaebische.de/landkreis/landkreis-tuttlingen/denkingen_artikel,-brotduft-zieht-die-besucher-an-_arid,10448308.html and https://www.schwaebische.de/landkreis/landkreis-sigmaringen/bad-saulgau_artikel,-kinder-backen-im-backhaus-_arid,10516584.html
Photos: Hermann Buschle, Josef Fetzer, Josef Schmidt