Neusath-Perschen, open air museum Oberpfalz (Eastern Bavaria)
Our three ovens are heated with wood and are part of the open air museum Oberpfalz in Eastern Bavaria. They are operated by a local baker. We bake every Sunday and additionally on special events. Especially to mention are the Bread Festival (07-22-2018) and the Baking Oven Festival (09-30-2018). The baking house is exclusively used by our museum baker Paulus and his team.
Mainly, we bake the multiply honored museum bread. For special occasions, we bake onion tartes and braded yeast buns etc.
Since when does the baking house exist?
Example oven Heitzelsberg:
1840 mentioned in the regional register, therefore already existing and part of a quarter farm, archivally traceable back to 1630
Owner: Joseph Weber, name of the property: Schneidermann; it came in possession of Jospeh Weber through marriage with Anna Maria Fleischmann
1845 transfer of possession to son Jakob Weber
1865 transfer of possession to daughter Theres Weber
1865 Theres Weber married Joseph Rackl
1899 transfer of possession to son Joseph Rackl
1904 fusion with the neighbor property
1876 bought from Joseph Rackl
1919 inherited by Josef, Heinrich und Johann Rackl
1925 inherited by Heinrich Rackl after the death of his brothers
1988 bought by the Oberpfälzer Freilandmuseum Neusath-Perschen
Konkreter Ansprechpartner:
Museumsleitung Dr. Birgit Angerer
Oberpfälzer Freilandmuseum Neusath-Perschen
Neusath 200
92507 Nabburg
Tel. 09433 2442 0