How do you heat the oven?
With wood.
Who is the operator?
The society “Ollarzried Aktiv e.V.”
How often do you bake?
Twice a month, every first and second Saturday, and we take a break in the winter due to the weather.
How many people use the baking house?
A lot of people living in our village.
Since when does the baking house exist?
We had our inauguration an 19th June 2011.
Has there been a baking house before?
There had been a bakery that had to shut down because it was to old, that was in 1985.
Is there some kind of baking festival? If so, when does it take place?
Yes, sometimes we organize baking festivals, but not on any fixed dates.
Are there special baking actions, e.g. baking with children?
Yes, on request. People who are interested in building a baking house themselves, societies, information events for other communes, baking with children or acolytes and many more.
Especially for local village events, like when we’re setting up the Maibaum (a Bavarian tradition, see Maibaum), we heat up the oven and reward the helpers with freshly baked bread and a hearty meal.
What is it that you bake regularly? Are there special bakegoods?
Hauptsächlich Brote, wie z.B. Sauerteig-oder Hefe, auch saisonale Brotvarianten, aber auch Semmeln, Dinnete, Pizzen, Kuchen, Hefezöpfe, und um die Restwärme zu nutzen wird des öfteren noch ein Braten in den Ofen geschoben.
Mainly we bake bread, sourdough or yeast breads, but also seasonal bread varieties. Additionally rolls, Dinnette (Swabian Pizza), pizza, cakes, braded yeast buns… And to make use of the remaining heat we sometimes shove in a roast meat.
Contact and links:
Rothenaicher Bärbel, Keppeler Gabi und Müller Terry