How is the oven heated?
We heat our oven with wood.
Who is running the baking house?
We are a voluntary baking team.
How often do you bake?
Every two weeks on Fridays and Saturdays.
How many people use the baking house?
The baking house is used by the people of Thal, we hang up lists on the baking house for subscribing. The baking women then bake breads and braded yeast buns. We can bake up to 24 breads and 8-16 buns per day.
Is there a baking festival?
On June 23 2018 there will be a festival for the 5th anniversary of our baking house. Also there is a village festival on the first Saturday in August where we as the baking house team contribute bread and buns.
Are there special events for children?
In the holiday program we bake pizza.
What are your special bake goods?
- Our „Thaler Laib“ mixed bread with wheat and rye
- An organic whole grain bread made from self-made organic spelt, rye and wheat
- Braded yeast buns with and without raisins