Gerontological Centre Backa Palanka organized baking workshop for seniors and children. The workshop was lead by Biljana Pejovic, occupational therapist. Children had an opportunity to learn how to prepare different things from dough and flour. It was really interesting, funny and useful.
Workshop with children in Backa Palanka
Radionica sa decom, Backa Palanka
Gerontološki centar iz Bačke Palanke je organizovao kulinarsku radionicu za korisnike Centra i decu. Radionicu je vodila Biljana Pejović, radno-okupacioni terapeut. Deca su imala mogućnost da nauče kako da pripreme različite kolače i poslastice od brašna i testa. Bilo je veoma zanimljivo, zabavno, a pre svega korisno.