Mladencici – Newlywed sweet buns

This holiday is actually called “Newlyweds”. In the Orthodox church, this holiday is dedicated to 40 soldiers from Sevastia who gave their lives for Christ. Mladencici (Newlywed sweet buns) are sort of ritual bread which is making each March 22nd. According to the old Balkan tradition Mladenci is a holiday celebrated by newly wed couples on March 22nd; that is those who got married after March 22nd of the previous year. A bride wakes up early in the morning to make these sweet buns and treats every child and guest who comes into their home. There is usually 40 round shape pieces of these buns and they symbolize long, happy and sweet life. After that bride is making this 40 cakes each year and share it with friends, family, neighbors.

It is sweet cookies with yeast, coated honey and sprinkled with ground walnuts.


  • 500 g all purpose flour
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 250 ml warm water
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • Honey
  • Lemon


  1. Sift flour into a bowl. Add salt, make indentation in the middle of flour and break yeast into it. Add warm water to dissolve yeast. Add oil and knead until soft (not sticky) dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour.  Cover with
  2. clean kitchen towel and
  3. let rise in warm place for about 30 minutes.2. Transfer risen dough onto floured surface and roll out 1 cm thick. Use
  4. round cutter and cut out 40 circles. Transfer them onto baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Prick each with wooden skewer several times and let rest for 30 minutes.3. Preheat oven to 180 C.4. Brush each cake with oil. Bake for 20 minutes (until nicely golden). Let them cool slightly and drizzle with honey.


Mladenčići su vrsta obrednog hleba koji se mesi 22. marta na praznik MLADENCE, koji je posvećen hrišćanskim Mučenicima iz Sevastije. Njih je bilo 40 i postradali su za Hristovu veru u zaledjenom jezeru.
Na taj dan, te godine venčani mladenci, primaju goste i dobijaju poklone za kuću. Od tada mlada nevesta, svakog 22 marta mesi 40 malih obrednih hlebova i deli ih ukućanima, susedima i prijateljima.Koja nevesta započne da mesi hlepčiće, obavezuje se da to radi čitavog života, svakog 22. marta.
Mladenčići su kolačići od testa sa kvascem, premazani medom i posuti mlevenim orasima.


500 gr brašna
20 gr  kvasca
1 kašika šećera
korica limuna
3 kašike ulja
korica od limuna
mlaka voda

Kvasac, šećer, malo brašna i malo vode se pomešaju i sačeka se da masa krene da fermentira. Svi sastojci se umese u fino testo, koje se odmara na topom 30 minuta.

Razviti koru debljine malog prsta i vaditi čašom 40 pogačica.Svaku pogačicu malo bocnuti viljuskom ili grančicom drena i premazati uljem.

Pogačice kisnu u plehu još 30 minuta i peku se na 180 stepeni.

Vruće mladenčiće premazati medom i posuti mlevenim orahom.