Antimovo is a village in the municipality of Vidin, Bulgaria, near the Danube, but also close to the border of Romania and Serbia. The festival of St. George on 6th of May is celebrated as a traditional festival with music and dance and takes place on 5th and 6th of May each year. In addition, […]

During a visit at the pensioners’ club “Dobrudzhanska sresta” in Ruse, the participants of the international workshop “Education and Voluntary Work in the Third Age” experienced the hospitality of the seniors and their joy in singing and dancing. After a Danube boat trip and a Ruse city tour the participants visited the local pensioners’ club […]

In Ryahovo, Bulgaria, participants in the international workshop “Education and Voluntary Work in the Third Age” in Ruse on 10th of May 2019 were given an introduction of the method “Bread as a social event” originally developed by the Bread House Network in Sofia. The method associates the ingredients and the process of baking bread […]

How can education in old age help to empower and promote the commitment of older people? In the international workshop “Education and Voluntary Work in the Third Age” which took place from 9th to 11th of May in Ruse, Bulgaria, 55 representatives from various civil society organizations from Bulgaria, Romania and Germany discussed the current […]

WE ARE EUROPE! For a social Europe! The educational network “Danube-Networkers Ulm” (DANET e.V.) invited on Sunday, 07.04.2019, from 14:30 to 19:00 to an European festival in the “Haus der Begegnung Ulm”. After a welcome speech by the 1st Mayor of Ulm, Martin Bendel, Alt-OB Ivo Gönner gave a lecture about the topic “Our common […]

The Union of Pensioners’2004 – Ruse Region (UP) invited partners from Galati and Bucharest (Romania) and Ulm (Germany) to an international meeting in the frame of the 22nd festival of amateur art Talent has no age which took place on the 20th and the 21st of October 2018 in Ruse and included the best artistic […]

The subject of civil society cooperation in the Danube countries attracted much attention of the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. From the 31.10. – 2.11.2018, Mrs. Gisela Erler, the State Counsellor for Civil Society and Civic Participation together, visited with a 12-person delegation selected civil society projects in North East Bulgaria. Amongst the delegates were two […]

International meeting in Ruse and Brashlen, Bulgaria By an international workshop in the guest house of community of Slivo Pole in Brashlen the delegation from Danube-Networkers Galaz and Bucharest, Rumania, Ruse, Bulgaria, and Ulm, Germany, had the opportunity to speak about their experiences made in Bulgaria, Romania and Germany in the context of the projects […]

Visit the website of the partner meeting of Danube-Networkers in July 2018 in Ulm: http://danube-heritage2018.eu […]

On 18 April, the group “civil society” of the delegation of the minister-president of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, visited representatives of different social associations for youth and they went to Cenej to the summer school of the school Milan Petrovic for kids with special needs in Novi Sad. Carmen Stadelhofer presented the work of the Danube-Networkers, […]

From 17 – 21 April 2018, the minister-president of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, accompanied by a big delegation of 115 representatives from politics and economy, science, culture and civil society visited Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. The delegation met a lot of important partners in these countries, in subgroups and in plenum, to reveal problems […]

The partner meeting in July 2018 in Ulm has a new website, just click on the picture to get information: http://danube-heritage2018.eu […]

The Bakery Museum is situated in the village Mali Idjos, in Vojvodina. Serbia. The bakery from the early 1900’s is a part of the family’s inheritance. It provides an insight into the mystery of bread making, with old time tools and instruments used in the process of bread making from the turn of the previous […]

On July 12 until 15, 2018, the “Danube-Networkers” stage their international partner meeting in Ulm as part of the 11th International Danube Festival. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the education network, there are different events planned. On July 13, a symposium on “Intangible cultural heritage in the Danube Region – a national […]

In the frame of the second international partner meeting of the project ODDA, an event regarding the topic “Bread connects” excellently organized by Prof. Emiliya Velikova took place at University of Ruse in the frame of the Bread Baking Week along the Danube, organized by the Network Danube-Networkes. 190 people, representatives of the University, town […]

In the frame of the Danube-Networkers’ journey, there was an encounter with the partners from the High school of Tigeshi, a little village in Moldova with which there have been relations for two years thanks to a Moldovan family living in Ulm. The group of 22 participants was greeted by the former headmaster of the […]

The Ulm Networkers also visited the social project “Children House” of Agapedia Foundation in Chisinau during their trip to Moldova. The team takes care of little children between 1 and 3 years from very young mothers coming from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. It is a day care where children who are too young to attend a […]

The Ulm Danube-Networkers visited the Eco Village during their travel through Moldavia. Here, young people try to build up a community with the principles of organic farming and marketing. Simultaneously, they offer a programme of seminars and qualification courses for pupils, adults and multiplicators in order to spread principles of organic farming and a healthy […]

Team of the Bread House Museum in Valeni The Ulm Danube-Networkers visited in the frame of their journey to Moldova the Bread House Museum in Valeni. It’s a small but very nice museum which represents a lot of traditions from the Valeni region concerning every-day life but also festivities and other occasions to make special […]

We are glad that you found your to way to our website. The international project “Bread Connects” focusses on the the common cultural good bread as a bonding part of life and history along the Danube countries. Bread is one of the oldest foods in human history and it highly represents regional particularities and distinctiveness […]