A national qualification training in the method “Bread as a social event” was carried out in Ulm in the family education centre on 11th November 2019. The trainer Barbara Rüd, certified by the Bread Houses Network in Sofia, took over this task. Six multipliers from Ulm and the surrounding area of Ulm came to learn […]

Danube-Networkers Ulm are the local working group, they were baking at November 5th 2019 for the members of the German-Bulgarian association MOST e.V. who organized with the Danube-Networkers a Bulgarian evening. Read more about it. Who was the baking group? The baking group were the Danube-Networkers and friends from Ulm, as well as participants taking […]

Snezhanka Atanasova works for “Prosveta – 1915” Community Center city of Rousse Dolapite in Bulgaria Who was the baking group? A Group of Chitalishte members – Book reader group, amateurs, administrators and retirees – 7 people; Women and a child – young, old and working women! Where did the baking action take place? Location – […]

Hristina Marinova works for the “Pensioners’ Union – Ruse Region”, in Ruse – Dolapite quarter, Bulgaria Who was the baking group? 6 women from the Pensioners’ Club “Harmonia”, Ruse, Bulgaria, took part in the baking group Where did the baking action take place? 7000 Ruse – 27 “Han Asparuh” Street How many sparrows were baked? […]

Biljana Pejović is from Bačka Palanka, Serbia. Who was the baking group? 4 female friends Where did the baking action take place? in the kitchen of my house How many sparrows were baked? 24 sparrow For whom did you bake? For neighbours and friends Why did you select this recipient group? What are the reasons? To […]

Mrs. Penka Petkova is the president of the Commission of Social Activities, Education and Healthcare of the Local Parliament, and president of the Clkub of Pensioners No 2 in Slivo Pole, Bulgaria Mrs. Pavlinka Marinova is the president of the Club of Pensioners No 2 in Borisovo, Bulgaria Who was the baking group? There were […]

Simona Perian is a teacher in the ECONOMIC COLLEGE „FRANCESCO SAVERIO NITTI“ in Timisoara Who was the baking group? We are an intergenerational group, made only of women, 4 teachers and 11 students from tenth and eleventh grade. Where did the baking action take place? ECONOMIC COLLEGE „FRANCESCO SAVERIO NITTI“ – Gastronomy laborator How many sparrows […]

Nicoleta Gherghina is a teacher in the National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara, Romania Who was the baking group? The pupils of 4TH grade A and their teacher Nicoleta Gherghina Where did the baking action take place? The canteen of National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara How many sparrows were baked? 12 Can you tell us […]

Mirela Carp is a teacher in the National Pedagogical College „Carmen Sylva“ Timisoara, Romania Who was the baking group? The preparatory class (23 pupils of 6 years old) and their teacher-Mirela Carp Where did the baking action take place? Pastry laboratory Naomi Timisoara How many sparrows were baked? 24 Can you tell us about the baking […]

Ioana Cioroi is am member of the „DUNAREA DE JOS‘‘ UNIVERSITY GALATI, Department of Long Life Learning and Technological Transfer, University of The Third Age. Who was the baking group? The HAPPY CLEVER HANDS – a group of female retirees, students at The University of the Third Age. Where did the baking action take place? […]

Oleg Miron is the director of the Vocational School Nr. 1 in Cahul city, Republic of Moldova Who was the baking group? Future cooks of Vocational School nr.1, an under-aged mixed pupils of the school. Where did the baking action take place? Labs of Vocational School nr.1 How many sparrows were baked? 102 Can you […]

Cristina Raileanu is a teacher from Tigheci Gymnazium in Tigheci Village, Leova, Republic of Moldova Who was the baking group? Teachers of Tigheci school Where did the baking action take place? The canteen of the school How many sparrows were baked? 30 Can you tell us about the baking action? On the 1st November, the teachers […]

Alina Școala is a primary teacher from the school Gimnazială Nr. 30 Timișoara, Romania Who was the baking group? Alina Rumega, her two sons and her pensioner mother Where did the baking action take place? My own kitchen in Timisoara How many sparrows were baked? 40 pieces + 10 for our own families Can […]

The concept of the Danube-Networkers Ulm – baking typical dishes together, getting into conversation and learning more about the country and people of the hosts country – has proved again its worth. Together with members of the German-Bulgarian cultural association MOST e.V. they organized a Bulgarian evening November 19th 2019 in the family education centre […]

The qualification training “Bread as a social event” was held in Sofia from 8th to 11th October 2017 conducted by Zdrava Vodenicharova and Sandra Topalska from the Bread house Network. Slovenian Third Age University had two representatives at this qualification training who are used to work in small scale educational projects mostly in the area […]

In Ryahovo, Bulgaria, participants in the international workshop “Education and Voluntary Work in the Third Age” in Ruse on 10th of May 2019 were given an introduction of the method “Bread as a social event” originally developed by the Bread House Network in Sofia. The method associates the ingredients and the process of baking bread […]

In April, 14 confirmands came in the small village baking house in Seißen together to use the method “Bread as a social event” according to the method of the Bread Houses Network from Sofia, under the guidance of Barbara Rüd. In a creative way, the ingredients and the process of baking are connected to personal […]

The Danube-Networkers were baking on the occasion of the 24th “Vesperkirche” in the Paulus church Ulm. On Monday the 4th of February twelve volunteer Danube-Networkers baked with joy and enthusiasm 300 birds from an amount of 25 kg yeast dough. They named them Ulms Danube-sparrows and provided them with the European flag and the message […]

Article about “Bread connects” in the magazine of BAGSO as good practice example. BAGSO is the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations. As an umbrella organization it currently includes over 110 nationally active member associations and represents more than 13 million older persons in Germany (www.bagso.de) The article as pdf: Brotbacken verbindet_BAGSO Publikation […]

Under the guidance of Christa Thoma-Schmid, the middle course of the college for healing care in Augsburg baked various breads in the home economics class in order to bake them with their clients in the respective facilities afterwards. The aim was to produce tasty breads by manual work with different flours, as it is the case all over the world […]

Chitalihste “Vasil Levski 2012” in Pojarevo village revived the cultural and educations activities in the village in 2012. As a result of the qualification training “Bread as a social event” in Sofia, October 09th – 10th, 2017 the following baking events were organized and implemented at Chitalihste “Vasil Levski 2012”, Pojarevo village for multiplication of […]

On Saturday, 26th May 2018, eight rural women went to Öllingen. Öllingen is a small village approx. 20km north of Ulm. They were expected there by master baker Andreas Stolz. He had already lit fire for the wood-fired oven to have the right temperature. The baking house has already existed before WW2 but it […]

On May 25 2018, the Association “The Writers League” Timişoara Banat Branch organized a baking workshop at the Seniors Association in Timişoara. There, Ana Caia, member of the LSFTB, used methods learned at the Qualification Seminar in Sofia and led the activities from the first part of the game “Bakers without Borders”. It was a […]

On 18 April, the group “civil society” of the delegation of the minister-president of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, visited representatives of different social associations for youth and they went to Cenej to the summer school of the school Milan Petrovic for kids with special needs in Novi Sad. Carmen Stadelhofer presented the work of the Danube-Networkers, […]

On June 24, a bread and croissant baking action with children and parents from Roma-Bulgarian families took place at the Center for Early Child Development in Varna, Bulgaria. The center is a joint project from the Bulgarian-German social association “St. Andreas” and the “Sauchastie” society. The present mothers and grandmothers confirmed the Danube Networkers’ message: […]

The Bakery Museum is situated in the village Mali Idjos, in Vojvodina. Serbia. The bakery from the early 1900’s is a part of the family’s inheritance. It provides an insight into the mystery of bread making, with old time tools and instruments used in the process of bread making from the turn of the previous […]

On 25th April 2018, the Association The Writers League Timisoara Banat Branch organized a baking workshop at Secondary School Rudolf Walter. The Foundation Rudolf Walter, first village for children in Romania was inaugurated in 1994. The teacher Boldura Ana Maria, director of the school Rudolf Walter, agreed to keep the baking workshop with pupils of […]

Bread connects Europe Create & bake “your” Europe! High School of Tourism “Ivan P. Pavlov” – Ruse, Bulgaria On 10 April 2018 finished the creative bake competition Bread connects Eur ope – Create & Bake “your” Europe in the High School of Tourism “Ivan P. Pavlov”, Ruse, Bulgaria. It was organized by Institute for Virtual […]

During the last week in March in Gerontological Center in Backa Palanka (Serbia) was held an interesting and innovative workshop „Small women’s kitchen“. The workshop was lead by Biljana Pejovic, occupational therapist. Biljana presented to the participants methods of baking as a social event, which she learnt on qualification training in Sofia (Bulgaria). It was […]

Gerontological Centre Backa Palanka organized baking workshop for seniors and children. The workshop was lead by Biljana Pejovic, occupational therapist. Children had an opportunity to learn how to prepare different things from dough and flour. It was really interesting, funny and useful. […]

New method, complete success. In the beginning of the year, the guides of the Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm met for a regular workshop. This time, we used the Theater of Crumbs, a method we learnt during the qualification training in Sofia, in order to reflect on our work with the museum’s visitors. We […]

This holiday is actually called “Newlyweds”. In the Orthodox church, this holiday is dedicated to 40 soldiers from Sevastia who gave their lives for Christ. Mladencici (Newlywed sweet buns) are sort of ritual bread which is making each March 22nd. According to the old Balkan tradition Mladenci is a holiday celebrated by newly wed couples on […]

On 28 March 2018, the Association The Writers League Timișoara Banat Branch, through Ana Caia-member, which had been trained at the qualification training in Sofia, and Ana Zlibut- first vice president, organized a bread-therapy workshop at Special Theoretical High School Iris, school for pupils with vision deficiencies. At the workshop participated pupils with the age […]
On Wednesday, January 24th 2018 in Gerontological Center in Backa Palanka (Serbia) was held international workshop „Small men’s kitchen“. The workshop was lead by Biljana Pejovic (Serbia) and Dara Mayer (Croatia). Biljana and Dara presented to the participants methods of baking as a social event, which they learnt on qualification training in Sofia (Bulgaria). It […]

During the last week Ljiljana Cumura organized a bread-therapy workshop with the kids from Pre-school „Vlada Obradovic Kameni“ in the village Simanovci, municipality Pecinci in Serbia. It was a opportunity to present bread therapy techniques learnt on the qualification training in Sofia but also kids learnt a lot about bakery, types of bread and dough, […]

EVERY BAKERY HAS ITSOWN SMELL After a long time again I found a bakery where I felt the good old smell of bread from my childhood. That smell was lost with expanding of modern bakery with a wide variety of products which attract with look, but do not have connection with our country and our […]

Ingredients: 500 g pie crusts 500 g ground nuts 350 g sugar 1.5 dl oil 4 dl mineral water 300 g honey (separate two spoonfuls for coating) Preparation: Put the honey into a pan and warm to be fluid. As it cools, if necessary, turn it a little warm. All pie crusts sprayed with slightly […]

In Romania, bread is almost entirely produced in big baking companies. Many of these baking houses have been taken over by foreign enterprises. There are home-grown bakeries producing bread based on traditional methods, but the machines and baking ovens are imported. Harvesting wheat and spelt has become a monopoly of the big enterprises so that […]

During the Bread baking week members of Gerontological Center Backa Palanka made a public event in the village Gajdobra, municipality of Backa Palanka. The women prepared more than 200 pancakes for children and guests on the street. It was nice sunny day and everybody enjoyed in sweet baked goods and bread-products. […]

With the support of association „Moj Neštin“ (My Nestin) it was organised a public event „Baking together“. The event was held in the jard of ethno house „Sremska kuca“ („The house of Srem“ also known as „House of Savic family“) in the village Nestin (Neštin), municipality Backa Palanka, near Danube. The hosts were Zoran Ramljak, […]

Christmas bread-making event on the 21st of December 2017 by the Club Soroptimist International Ruse
The Club Soroptimist International Ruse made a Christmas bread-making event on the 21st of December 2017 in Ruse. Assisted by students from RU’s club “Young social worker” the SI sisters made together with the kids from the Centres for children at risk the traditional Christmas kolachetaq and cinnamon cookies and discussed with them the meaning […]

The teacher Martin Kalamkovic and his pupils prepared together Proja for friends. They send us the recipe and let us know by a presentation how to do it: RECIPE: • 200grams cornflour and 100g flour • half bags of baking powder • 1dl of sunflower oil (in Serbia we use sunflower oil, although can be […]

On 22nd October 2017, during their journey through Moldova, the Danube-Networkers from Ulm visited the Geriatric Hospital with palliative unit which is the only one of its kind in Moldova. Mrs. Elena Stempovscaia, founder of this hospital unit, and young doctors accompanied the group through the rooms which once were the first Jewish hospital in […]

On 25th September 2017, a group of 22 Danube-Networkers visited the La Salle-High School in Pildesti, East Romania. The High school is since four years active member in the Network and engaged in several projects, also quite now. The Director of the school, Prof. Cristina Istoc und Brother Vicentiu, presented the schools’ work, then a […]

Children and teachers from pre-school „Mladost“ from Backa Palanka (Serbia) organized a workshop of making bread. Children self-baked dough and enjoyed the new creations. The exhibiton of beautiful children’s breads was organized for moms, dads, grandparents and other guests, collaborators, spectators. […]

Mrs. Ulrike Bahmer, from the district administration of the Alb-Donau-Kreis region, invited us to a baking event in Machtolsheim, a town about 30 km from Ulm, in the “Schwäbische Alb”. Ten women and two men were her guests there on the twenty-second of October, 2016. The bake-house was built in 1960 and the facility is […]

On 8th of June 2016 we held our Baking Day at the open fire oven in Halmaj. The local mayor willingly supported our event to share the place with the roma community. During the afternoon we made together the dough for the bread and the scone for the typical Roma bread called „vakaró”. Then […]

On May 4th Peter and Max invited me to join them to bake bread and to taste their bread. I met them at the community centre in Ulm-Jungingen. Peter and Max in front of the bakehouse How did the bake house come to Ulm-Jungingen? In former times it belonged to the Ulm bread museum […]

On Saturday 16th September 2017 in Backa Palanka was held the fifth international event “Danube embroidery” organized by the Association of Women “Golden Hands”. The event brought together more than fifty participants from the Danube region. During the event women from the association “Majčino krilo” was organized baking of donuts. They baked 250 donuts that […]

In the context of the international seminar “Creating Bridges for Europe” at Haus auf der Alb in Bad Urach, Germany, an international group of the Danube-Networkers visited the company BeckaBeck in Römerstein on the Swabian Jura on 26th July. The 20 participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Germany are all actively involved in […]

In village Ratina, between Kraljevo and Krusevac, 7 km on south from Kraljevo, every first week in September is manifestation Projada. This year it was 10 years of this event. It implies nice stands with different sorts of corn bread available for degustation and for competition. Manifestation is in big school yard with visitors from […]