Jazak (SRB-22409)

  • The oven is heated with wood – with brushwood and conventional wood.
  • It is used on demand.
  • It exists since the first half of 18th century.
  • Ethno village house is a museum, protected by the state, as an example of rural architecture from the first half of the eighteenth century. The house is filled with authentic rural household objects from the second half of the nineteenth century. The house is responsible for the development of rural tourism which promote the cultural heritage of Srem and organic foods, and a cultural event in cooperation with the Heritage Museum of Ruma. In the jard there is a wood oven, more than 300 year old.
  • There are serveral activities in combination with the baking house:
    – School in nature (from April until October)
    – Art colony (May and October)
    – Poetry events
    – Fashion weeks
    – Promotion of traditonal events (Christmas, Easter, weedings, Tandara,
    – Promotion of healty food and gastronomy
    – Craft and art workshops
    – Local cultural manifestation (e.g. Majpan, Jesen ide dunjo moja, Djeram etc.)
  • There are also baking events for children
  • The main baked goods are Bun (lepinja), flat bread (somun), bread

Photos: Ljiljana Cumura Zizic